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Inelastic X-ray scattering 2018: instrumentation and applications (IXS2018)

A419 (Main Building)


Main Building

Main bldg., RmA419, Yuquan Road,Shijingshan District, Beijing, China

    Resonant and non-resonant inelastic X-ray scattering are important tools to study various elementary excitations in condensed matter. Over the past few decades, RIXS and XRS have been developed into relatively mature technologies in third-generation synchrotron radiation sources around the world. Since the HEPS project has been approved recently, it is a good opportunity to introduce these two techniques to China with a brilliant perspective.

   IXS 2018 will bring together researchers from all over the world working in the field of RIXS and XRS. It will provide a workshop for scientists to present new discoveries and research related to resonant and non-resonant inelastic X-ray scattering, and opportunities to exchange information about the latest technical developments and applications. And we also hope to get advice from experts and users to our HXHERS beamline.

Invited speakers:

Dr. Yong Cai BNL, NSLSII, confirmed
Dr. Hasan Yavas SLAC, LSLS,confirmed
Dr. Yang Ding HPSTAR,confirmed
Prof. Simo Huotari
University of Helsinki, confirmed
Prof. Jiawang Hong BIT, confirmed
Prof.Xuerong Liu

ShanghaiTech University,confirmed

Prof.Tsu-Chien Weng

HPSTAR, confirmed



Local Organizing Committee:
 Wei Xu (Chair), Zhiying Guo (Co-chair), Juncai Dong, Meijuan Yu 




More information
Program of IXS2018
    • 9:00 AM 9:15 AM
      Welcome remark 15m
      Speaker: Dr Qing Qin (高能所)
    • 9:15 AM 9:30 AM
      The Status of the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) 15m
      Speaker: Tao Ye (I)
    • 9:30 AM 10:00 AM
      Inelastic X-ray Scattering program at HEPS -partial program on the Hard X-ray High Energy resolution spectroscopy (HXHERS) beamline 30m
      Speaker: Dr 伟 徐 (高能所)
    • 10:00 AM 10:15 AM
      Meeting photo and coffee break 15m
    • 10:15 AM 10:45 AM
      High Energy Resolution Inelastic X-ray Scattering and Applications in Materials Science 30m
      Speaker: Dr Yong Cai
    • 10:45 AM 11:15 AM
      Source considerations for high-resolution and high-throughput inelastic x-ray scattering 30m
      Speaker: Dr Hasan Yavas
    • 11:15 AM 11:45 AM
      Hard x-ray RIXS applications on iridates, and others 30m
      Speaker: Dr Xuerong Liu
    • 11:45 AM 1:30 PM
      Box Lunch 1h 45m
    • 1:30 PM 2:00 PM
      Design concept of the RIXS end-station at the High Energy Photon Source 30m
      Speaker: Dr Dong Juncai (IHEP)
    • 2:00 PM 2:40 PM
      Valence-electron excitations in condensed matter 40m
      Speaker: Prof. Huotari Simo
    • 2:40 PM 3:20 PM
      Anharmonic phonons in energy materials: inelastic x-ray scattering and first-principles simulations 40m
      Speaker: Prof. Jiawang Hong
    • 3:20 PM 3:30 PM
      Coffer Break 10m
    • 3:30 PM 5:30 PM
      Beamline Discuss 2h
      User requirment and comment
    • 3:30 PM 4:10 PM
      Beamline layout & plans: comments & suggestions
    • 4:10 PM 4:50 PM
      Discussion: User Requirements for the beamline and spectrometer Sample environment: high pressure, cryogenic or in situ
    • 4:50 PM 5:30 PM
      Discussion: Design for the RIXS spectrometer
    • 9:00 AM 9:40 AM
      X-Ray Raman Spectroscopy 40m
      Speaker: Prof. Huotari Simo
    • 9:40 AM 10:20 AM
      High-Pressure Inelastic X-ray Scattering Science and its Prospects 40m
      Speaker: Prof. Yang Ding
    • 10:20 AM 10:40 AM
      X-Ray Raman Scattering and analyzer 20m
      Speaker: Dr Zhiying Guo
    • 10:40 AM 10:50 AM
      Coffee break 10m
    • 10:50 AM 11:20 AM
      Discussion: Design for the IXS spectrometer
    • 11:20 AM 12:00 PM
      Discussion: Analyzer & HRM: R&D efforts and collaborations
    • 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
      Lunch 1h