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Apr 25 – 27, 2018
Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP)
Asia/Shanghai timezone
The IHEP will break ground on an ultralow emittance synchrotron (tentatively named as High Energy Photon Source or HEPS) in Beijing in late 2018. The HEPS is a greenfield next generation synchrotron with ~50 pm.rad emittance, 6 GeV energy and 1360 m ring. In its Phase I, we will build a 200 m long Structural Dynamics Beamline (SDB). The SDB will focus on structural evolution in irreversible processes captured by ultrafast X-ray probes, especially for those processes related to dynamic compression and additive manufacturing. The goal of this workshop is to bring together leading experts in both beamline/instrumentation and applications in order to envision science cases for SDB as the beamline will be not operational until 2025, and to make sure that the SDB take full advantage of high coherence, high brigtnees and high energy (>20keV) X-ray originated from the ultralow emittance HEPS. We will discuss the optimization of the beamline, including undulators, beamline optics, diagnostics, detectors as well as the advancement of the fast X-ray probes, like imaging, diffraction, scattering and spectroscopy and emerging coherent X-ray methods. The technical aspects of the HEPS and the SDB will be introduced, and the SDB design, including the beamline and instrumentations, will be critically reviewed within the context of its scientific applications. Agenda 04/26, Auditorium Hall 216 Morning session, Chair, Peter lee 0830 Yuhui Dong (IHEP), opening talk 0840 Ye Tao (IHEP), HEPS status 0900 Weinong Chen (Purdue University), Application of High-Speed X-Ray Imaging In Real-Time Visualization of Impact Damage Evolution in Materials 0940 Andreas Schropp (DESY), Hard X-Ray Nano-Focusing and Phase-Contrast Imaging at XFELs 1020 meeting photo and coffee break 1040 B.P.Tolochko (Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry SB RAS), Time-resolved X-ray diffraction experiment investigation of irreversible ultrafast processes in BINP SB RAS Novosibirsk: status and perspectives 1120 Sheng-Nian Luo (The Peac Institute of Multiscale Sciences), Probe structural dynamics at multiscales under dynamic loading 1150 Pengwan Chen (Beijing Institute of Technology), TBD 1220 Jianbo Hu (Institute of Fluid Physics, China Academy of Engineering Physics), Shock-induced phase transitions of solids observed via single-shot nanosecond time-resolved X-ray diffraction 1250 lunch Afternoon session, Chair, Weinong Chen 1330 Tao Sun (APS, ANL), High-speed X-ray Imaging and Diffraction at the Advanced Photon Source 1410 Feng Lin (Tsinghua University), The electron beam powder bed additive manufacturing technique and its multi-scale modeling 1440 Peter Lee (University of Manchester), Capturing ultra-fast phenomena during materials processing 1520 coffee break 1540 Margie P. Olbinado (ESRF), Exploiting ~100 picoseconds coherent X-ray pulses in ultra high-speed imaging 1620 Takeharu Etoh (Ritsumeikan University), A Silicon Image Sensor Captured Flying Light - A Step toward the Ultimate-high-speed X-ray Image Sensor 1700 Guangzhao Zhou (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, SSRF), Fast X-ray imaging beamline in phase-II project of SSRF 1730 Bingbing Zhang (IHEP), SDB design 1830 Banquet 04/27 Auditorium Hall 216 Discussion and evaluation session, Chair, Tao Sun 0830-1115 Discussion of the SDB design: Science case, beamline optics design and beam diagnostics, fast X-ray probes, detectors, dynamic loading and additive manufacturing devices 1115-1130 Coffee break 1130-1230 SDB evaluation report writing and workshop concludes 1230 Lunch
Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP)
Auditorium hall
19B Yuquan Road Beijing 100049 China