名称(Name):昆山汇金书香世家酒店 (Kunshan Scholar's Hotel)
地址(address):登云路258号汇金财富广场B幢 (No. 258 Dengyun Road, Fortune Plaza)
电话 (Tel):(0512) 57120666
We have booked ten Queen rooms(大床房) and Twenty-five Standard rooms(标间) for the nights of November 8, 9, and 10.
Participants could check-in directly on the day of arrival if they tell the hotel they are coming for the EicC meeting 第三届中国电子离子对撞机国际研讨会. Guests will pay by themselves when check-out and below please find the room fee (with 2 breakfasts included per room per day):
2018/11/8 358.00 yuan/one night
2018/11/9 558.00 yuan/one night
2018/11/10 558.00 yuan/one night