Kathleen Genge
Maintenance and upgrade activities at TRIUMF 520 MeV Cyclotron and Ion Separation and Accelerator (ISAC) facilities are scheduled for either a regularly occurring short maintenance period or a longer semi-annual site-wide shutdown period. The long shutdown periods are organized by the Systematic Approach to Shutdown (SAS) Committee. This committee is responsible for scheduling, coordinating, and tracking all shutdown activities that would otherwise impact beam delivery. With the addition of the E-LINAC and the Advanced Rare Isotope Laboratory (ARIEL) to the TRIUMF accelerator complex, the semi-annual site-wide shutdown periods will come to an end. Can the present SAS model be adapted to a year-round rotating shutdown schedule? In this presentation, an overview of the TRIUMF maintenance program will be described. The duties of the SAS Committee and SAS process will be discussed.
Primary author
Kathleen Genge