Rae Nicholas
(Australian Synchrotron)
The Australian Synchrotron is a 3rd Generation Light Source located in Melbourne, Australia. It has been in User Operation since April 2007.
It consists of a 318m circumference 3GeV Electron Storage ring with a full energy injector and currently has 9 beamlines servicing more than 2000 users per year. Over the coming years this will increase to at least 14 beamlines with the BRIGHT upgrade program.
While we achieve high beam availability (99.42% in 2018) we are beginning to see End of Life issues with some components.
Significant issues effecting machine down time in 2018/19 have been:
1. Efficiency upgrade to the synchrotron plant facility
2. End of life power supplies and some parts of the RF system
Primary author
Rae Nicholas
(Australian Synchrotron)
Mike Lafky
(Australian Sychrotron)