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EMCal Development for sPHENIX Experiment

Not scheduled
Hualongcheng Hotel

Hualongcheng Hotel

469 Shizhou Road Enshi, Hubei,China


维虎 马 (复旦大学)


Abstract: EMCal Development for sPHENIX Experiment

Speaker: Dr. Weihu MA

The scientific objective of the sPHENIX experiment is to gain an understanding of the evolution of the system and its coupling strength at RHIC from the initial high temperatures. It will address fundamental questions about the nature of the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma (QGP). This will be accomplished by using hard-scattered partons that traverse the medium and the Upsilon states to investigate the medium at the different length scales.

The EMCal (Electromagnetic Calorimeter) performance is central to the direct photon and upsilon measurements and it is also a key component, along with the hadronic calorimeter, of the calorimetric jet reconstruction. The calorimeter will play a major role in both the measurement of jets and single photons out to high pT, as well as identifying and measuring the energies of the electrons from Upsilon decays.

I will focus on the development and production of EMCal. Fudan University and Peking University will be the two EMCal module production sites. I will also present the progress of EMCal production of Fudan site.

Primary author

维虎 马 (复旦大学)

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