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Weak $p_{T}$ dependence of inclusive jet $R_{AA}$ and extraction of jet energy loss distributions

Not scheduled
Hualongcheng Hotel

Hualongcheng Hotel

469 Shizhou Road Enshi, Hubei,China


Prof. Xin-Nian Wang (Central China Normal University/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Yayun He (Central China Normal University)


The observed suppression of inclusive jets in heavy-ion collisions at LHC has a very weak $p_{T}$ dependence over a large range of $p_{T}$ = 50-1000 GeV and is almost independent of the colliding energy, though the initial energy density of the formed QGP has increased significantly from $\sqrt{s}$ = 2.76 to 5.02 TeV. This interesting phenomenon is fully investigated in the linear Boltzmann transport(LBT) model for jet propagation combined event-by-event 3+1D hydro backgrounds. We found that the $p_{T}$ dependence of jet $R_{AA}$ is determined by the initial spectrum in $pp$ collisions and jet quenching in which medium response has a significant contribution. Furthermore, the energy loss distribution is extracted directly from experimental data within a Beyesian method, which provides a model-independent approach to understand jet quenching in detail. The extracted jet energy loss distributions have a scaling behavior and indicate that jet quenching is caused on the average by only a few out-of-cone scatterings.

Primary authors

Prof. Xin-Nian Wang (Central China Normal University/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Yayun He (Central China Normal University)


LongGang Pang (Central China Normal University) Shanshan Cao (Wayne State University) Tan Luo (Central China Normal University) Wei Chen (Central China Normal University)

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