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QCD Phase structure from Lattice QCD

Not scheduled
Hualongcheng Hotel

Hualongcheng Hotel

469 Shizhou Road Enshi, Hubei,China


Prof. Heng-Tong Ding (Central China Normal University)


We will firstly present a lattice QCD based determination of the chiral crossover transition temperature at zero and nonzero baryon density[1]. We obtained a precise result for $T_{pc}=156.5\pm1.5$ MeV at zero baryon density. For analogous thermal conditions at the chemical freeze-out of relativistic heavy-ion collisions, we found
$\kappa^B_2$=0.012(4) and $\kappa^B_4$=0.000(4). We will then present a first determination of chiral phase transition temperature in QCD with two degenerate, massless quarks and a physical strange quark mass[2]. After thermodynamic, continuum and chiral extrapolations we find the chiral phase transition temperature $T_c^0=132^{+3}_{-6}$ MeV.
Lastly we will present our recent studies on the meson masses in the external magnetic filed and explore its possible connections with the inverse magnetic catalyses as well as the superconductivity in the external magnetic field.

[1] A. Bazavov $\textit{et al}$, "Chiral crossover in QCD at zero and non-zero chemical potentials," Phys. Lett. B795 (2019) 15.

[2] H.-T. Ding $\textit{et al}$, "The chiral phase transition temperature in (2+1)-flavor QCD,'' arXiv:1903.04801 [hep-lat].

Primary author

Prof. Heng-Tong Ding (Central China Normal University)

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