An extension of the van der Waals hadron resonance gas (VDWHRG)
model which includes in-medium thermal modification of hadron masses, the
TVDWHRG model, is considered in this paper. Based on the 2+1 flavor
Polyakov Linear Sigma Model(PLSM) and the scaling mass rule for hadrons we
obtain the temperature behavior of all hadron masses for different fixed
baryon chemical potentials $\mu_{B}$. We calculate various thermodynamic
observables at $\mu_{B}=0$ GeV in TVDWHRG model.
An improved agreement with the lattice data by TVDWHRG model in the
crossover region ($T\sim 0.16-0.19$ GeV) is observed as compared to those
by VDWHRG and Ideal HRG (IHRG) models.
We further discuss the effects of in-medium modification of hadron masses
and VDW interactions on the transport coefficients such as shear viscosity
($\eta$), scaled thermal ($\lambda/T^{2}$) and electrical ($\sigma_{el}/T$)
conductivities in IHRG model at different $\mu_{B}$, by utilizing
quasi-particle kinetic theory with relaxation time approximation.