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Multiphase transport model predictions of isobaric collisions with nuclear structure from density functional theory

Not scheduled
Hualongcheng Hotel

Hualongcheng Hotel

469 Shizhou Road Enshi, Hubei,China


汉林 李 (Wuhan University of Science and Technology)


Isobaric Ru+Ru ans Zr+Zr collisions were performed at the Relativistic Heavy ion Collider in 2018. Using the AMPT (a multi-phase transport) model with nuclear structure calculated by the density functional theory(DFT), we make predictions for the charged hadron multiplicity distributions and elliptic azimuthal anisotropies in these collisions. Emphases are put on the relative differences between the two collision systems that can decisively discriminate DFT nuclear distributions from the commonly used Woods-Saxon densities.

Primary author

汉林 李 (Wuhan University of Science and Technology)


Fuqiang Wang (Huzhou University) Dr Haojie Xu (Huzhou University) Jie Zhao (Purdue Unversity)

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