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Modification of W+jet in Heavy ion collisions

Not scheduled
Hualongcheng Hotel

Hualongcheng Hotel

469 Shizhou Road Enshi, Hubei,China


Mr Shan-liang Zhang (CCNU)


Gauge boson associated with jet production is a perfect channel for jet quenching. But, so far productions of W+jet in heavy-ion collisions have not been quantitatively studied yet.

In the talk, we report the first systematic calculations of the modification of W+jet in heavy ion collisions at the LHC. In the model, a very good description of W+jet in p+p is achieved by utilizing Sherpa, which combines the NLO with resummation by a matched parton shower (PS). Jet propagation and medium response in QGP are simulated by a Linear Boltzmann Transport(LBT) model.

Firstly, we give the modification of W+jets events as a function of the vector summation of the lepton and jets $|\vec{p}_T^{Miss}|$ due to jet energy loss in the opposite direction of the W boson. Besides, the reduction of $S_T$ defined as the summed scalar $p_T$ of all the jets directly indicate how much energy the jets lose in Pb+Pb collisions. Those observables are independent on the information of neutrino and can be easily measured in experiment.

In addition, we have investigated the shift of W+jet $p_T$ imbalance distribution $x_{jW}$ due to jet energy loss, the suppression of jet partners per W trigger $R_{jW}$ because of the reduction of jets yields and the modification of W+jet azimuthal angle correlations $\Delta \phi_{jW}$ owing to the suppression of multi-jets correlation.

Primary authors

Prof. Ben-Wei Zhang (Central China Normal University) Mr Shan-liang Zhang (CCNU) Xin-Nian Wang (Central China Normal University)

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