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Relaxation to CKW state in a transport calculation

Not scheduled
Hualongcheng Hotel

Hualongcheng Hotel

469 Shizhou Road Enshi, Hubei,China


Mr Zeyan WANG (Tsinghua University)


Using a transport model based on BAMPS, we investigate the evolution of magnetic field in a system of charged particles, which is embedded in a cylinder with the periodic boundary condition. We find that when the ratio of the helicity to the magnetic energy goes to a maximum, the system relaxes towards the CKW state with ${\nabla}{\times}{B}\parallel{B}$, which explained the reversal of the magnetic field in pinch experiments by Budin in 1970s and provided the feasibility of BAMPS for the research of magnetic field in quark-gluon plasma.

Primary author

Mr Zeyan WANG (Tsinghua University)

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