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Gluon emission from heavy quarks in dense nuclear medium

Not scheduled
Hualongcheng Hotel

Hualongcheng Hotel

469 Shizhou Road Enshi, Hubei,China


Le Zhang (Hubei Normal University)


We study the medium-induced gluon emission process experienced by a hard jet parton propagating through the dense nuclear matter in the framework of deep inelastic scattering off a large nucleus. We work beyond the collinear rescattering expansion and the soft gluon emission limit, and derive a closed formula for the medium-induced single gluon emission spectrum from a heavy or light quark jet interacting with the dense nuclear medium via transverse and longitudinal scatterings. \textbf{Without performing the collinear rescattering expansion, the medium-induced gluon emission spectrum is controlled by the full distribution of the differential elastic scattering rates between the propagating partons and the medium constituents}. Then, we use two different models (\textbf{heavy static scattering centers and the effective 1-HTL spectral functions in dynamical medium}) to characterize the traversed nuclear matter.
Firstly, we show that if one utilizes \textbf{heavy static scattering centers} for the traversed nuclear matter and takes the soft gluon emission limit, our result can reduce to the first order in (static) opacity Djordjevic-Gyulassy-Levai-Vitev formula(with zero thermal mass for radiated gluon).[arXiv:1812.11048]
Secondly, we take \textbf{the effective 1-HTL spectral functions for the exchanged gluon field correlation}, and compute the single gluon emission spectrum including both transverse and longitudinal momentum in dynamical medium . By considering some approximations, our result can also reduce to DGLV formula in dynamical QCD medium (with zero thermal mass for radiated gluon).

Primary author

Le Zhang (Hubei Normal University)


Defu Hou (CCNU) Guang-You Qin (Central China Normal University)

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