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Apr 24 – 27, 2019
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Conference Venue


会场信息 Conference Venue

主会场地址: 上海交通大学徐汇校区-浩然高科技大厦 102会议室,如下图所示:

Conference VenueHaoran High-tech Building,Room 102,shown as below:

地址: 上海徐汇区广元西路55号。

Address: No.55, Guangyuan West Road, Xuhui, Shanghai (in SJTU Xuhui Campus).


会场网络 WiFi:  参会者可以连接交大无线网络SJTU-Guest,打开浏览器,当看到跳转的JAccount认证界面时,直接输入以下的用户名和密码登录:

Participants can connect to SJTU-Guest, open the browser, and input the username and password directly as listed below:

Username-1: FCPPL201901,Password: fcppl201901.

Username-2: FCPPL201902,Password: fcppl201902.