Requirement of mount factory test, including work mode, pointing model software, etc.
WBS2: Mount
An overview of mount: status and schedule review
WBS9 Continued
Talk on AliCPT-1 science
Foreground deduction
CMBL simulation
A rest day
Lessons and experience from BICEP and other CMB experiments
A full introduction of design and plan: construction, data distribution etc.
WBS7: Control system
A full introduction of control system: design, status, plan .
Cryostat formal CDR presentation
Plan: fabrication, integration test
WBS8: Data Handling & Storage
Coffee break
Short presentation and free discussion on WBS1
Open discussion
The requirement and preliminary design/simulation of wind break
WBS4: Optics/Forebaffle/Groundshield
A full status and plan review of optics
Current Ali site review
WBS3: Cryostat
WBS1: Site & Building
Welcome address
A very brief introduction of AliCPT-1 in US: status and goal
A very brief introduction of AliCPT-1: status and goal
Detector module
WBS5: FPU, Detectors modules
WBS6: uMux Readout electronics
Result of weather station data in the last winter
A full review of current pipeline
Discussion: data structure, diagnosis on observation status basing on quick viewing of the data, low level ToD selection
Free discussions
Focalplane structure
Design and plan of temperature control system
Free discussion
Concern on scan simulation on AliCPT-1 (discuss)
Students 1-slide intro presentations
Free discussions
A detailed test plan: method, timeline, procedure
WBS9 Simulation & Data analysis
Activities on calibrators in IHEP: requirement analysis, RF sources design, mast design, plan
Indoor furnishing of B1 lab review
A status overview of B1-site
Activites on calibrators in NTU: status, plan
Talks from NTU on scan strategy preparation
A very brief introduction of the first RFI test & design and status of RFI monitor system
Free discussion
AliCPT-1 science goal: talks and discussions
WBS10 calibrators
Include materials from selected sessions