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8–12 Oct 2019
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Forward sTGC Tracker Upgrade for the RHIC-STAR Detector

10 Oct 2019, 11:10
科学会堂301 (华中师范大学)



探测器和电子学及应用技术 S4:探测器和电子学及应用技术


Mrs Shi Yingying (Shandong University)


RHIC-STAR experiment is planning to upgrade the Forward Tracking System (FTS) which is consist of Forward Silicon Tracker (FST) and Forward sTGC Tracker (FTT). The small-strip Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC) are designed to provide precision position measurement at about 100um level for the charged particles in high luminosity, covering forward rapidity region (2.5 < eta < 4). The extended rapidity coverage on particle identification enables lots of physics opportunities in pp, pA and AA programs beyond 2020 at STAR. Two size of sTGC prototypes have been designed and produced at Shandong University. In this talk, we will present the sTGC prototype R&D details for the STAR forward upgrade. Some performance test results will be discussed together with the upgrade status and plan.
Abstract Type Poster

Primary author

Mrs Shi Yingying (Shandong University)

Presentation materials