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8–12 Oct 2019
Asia/Shanghai timezone

A microscopic description for polarization in particle scatterings

9 Oct 2019, 18:00
科学会堂 (华中师范大学)



S5分会场:Poster S5: Poster分会场


Mr Junjie Zhang (university of science and technology of China)


We propose a microscopic description for the polarization from the first principle through the spin-orbit coupling in particle collisions. The model is different from previous ones based on local equilibrium assumptions for the spin degree of freedom. It is based on scatterings of particles as wave packets, an effective method to deal with particle scatterings at specified impact parameters. The polarization is then the consequence of particle collisions in a non-equilibrium state of spins. The spin-vorticity coupling naturally emerges from the spin-orbit one encoded in polarized scattering amplitudes of collisional integrals when one assumes local equilibrium in momentum but not in spin.
Abstract Type Poster

Primary author

Mr Junjie Zhang (university of science and technology of China)


Prof. Qun Wang (University of Science and Technology of China) Dr Ren-Hong Fang (CCNU) Xin-Nian Wang (Central China Normal University)

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