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Contribution List

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Prof. Hesheng CHEN (Director of IHEP)
12/11/06, 3:30 PM
Welcome Session
Prof. François LE DIBERDER (CNRS/IN2P3)
12/11/06, 4:00 PM
Welcome Session
Prof. Bernard Belloc (Scientific Counsselor at the French Embassy)
12/11/06, 4:50 PM
Dr Bruno Mansoulie (Director of Particle Physics Service at CEA/DAPNIA)
12/11/06, 5:10 PM
Prof. Bernard ILLE (IPN Lyon, Université Lyon 1)
12/12/06, 8:30 AM
Status of LHC Project
Dr Emmanuel Monnier (CPPM/CERN)
12/12/06, 9:00 AM
Status of LHC Project
Dr Zhihong SUN (CEA Saclay, France)
12/12/06, 9:25 AM
Status of LHC Project
Prof. Chengguang ZHU (Shandong Univ)
12/12/06, 9:45 AM
Status of LHC Project
Dr Ludwik Dobrzynski (LLR-IN2P3-CNRS)
12/12/06, 10:25 AM
Status of LHC Project
Dr Yong Ban (Peking University)
12/12/06, 10:55 AM
Mr Patrick Robbe (LAL Orsay, IN2P3)
12/12/06, 11:15 AM
Status of LHC Project
Prof. Daicui Zhou (CCNU, Central China Normal University)
12/12/06, 11:50 AM
Mrs Frédérique CHOLLET (LAPP IN2P3)
12/12/06, 1:30 PM
LHC Environment Status
Dr Dominique Boutigny (CC-IN2P3)
12/12/06, 2:10 PM
LHC Environment Status
Dr Gang Chen (IHEP)
12/12/06, 2:40 PM
LHC Environment Status
Prof. Liang HAN (University of Science and Technology of China (USTC))
12/12/06, 3:30 PM
Prof. Pascal GAY
12/12/06, 4:00 PM
LHC Environment Status
Dr didier contardo (CNRS/IN2P3)
12/12/06, 4:40 PM
LHC Environment Status
Prof. Michael KLASEN
12/12/06, 5:00 PM
LHC Environment Status
Dr Philippe Crochet (LPC CNRS/IN2P3)
12/13/06, 8:30 AM
Physics and Grid at LHC
Prof. Yuanning Gao (清华大学工程物理系)
12/13/06, 9:10 AM
Physics and Grid at LHC
12/13/06, 9:40 AM
Physics and Grid at LHC
Prof. Steven CHU (LBNL)
12/13/06, 10:30 AM
Dr Guillaume UNAL (CERN)
12/13/06, 11:30 AM
Physics and Grid at LHC
Prof. Susan GASCON (Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon/Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I)
12/13/06, 12:15 PM
Physics and Grid at LHC
Prof. Guoming CHEN (IHEP, CAS)
12/13/06, 12:45 PM
Dr Roberto Chierici (IPNL)
12/14/06, 8:30 AM
Physics at LHC - Working Session
Eric Fede (Lapp)
12/14/06, 8:40 AM
Prof. Chao-Hsi CHANG (the Institution of Theorectical Physics)
12/14/06, 9:00 AM
12/14/06, 9:10 AM
Mr Guillaume UNAL (CERN)
12/14/06, 9:25 AM
Physics at LHC - Working Session
Helene Cordier (CCIN2P3)
12/14/06, 9:40 AM
Prof. Qing Wang (TsingHua University)
12/14/06, 9:50 AM
Prof. Ulrich Goerlach (IPHC IN2P3 CNRS ULP)
12/14/06, 10:35 AM
Physics at LHC - Working Session
Dr Ghita Rahal (CCIN2P3)
12/14/06, 10:40 AM
Prof. Jinmin Yang (The Institution of Theoretical)
12/14/06, 11:00 AM
Artem Trunov (CC-IN2P3)
12/14/06, 11:10 AM
Prof. Sijin Qian (Peking University)
12/14/06, 11:25 AM
Sophie Nicoud (CNRS/UREC)
12/14/06, 11:40 AM
Prof. Pengfei Zhuang (Tsinghua University)
12/14/06, 11:45 AM
Mr Junquan Tao (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
12/14/06, 2:00 PM
Dr Min Yang (Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
12/14/06, 3:20 PM
Prof. Francois LeDiberder (IN2P3)
12/14/06, 4:30 PM
Conclusion talks
Prof. Hesheng CHEN (Director of IHEP) , Prof. Yifang Wang (IHEP)
12/14/06, 4:50 PM
Conclusion talks
Prof. Ben-Hao Sa (CIAE)
Physics at the TEV scale reachable with LHC: Theory session
Physics at LHC - Working Session
Guoming and French speaker Chen
Physics and Grid at LHC
Dr Ghita Rahal (cc in2p3) , Dr STEPHANE JEZEQUEL (LAPP/CNRS-Université de Savoie)
Computing Grid at LHC
Physics at LHC - Working Session
Prof. Ulrich Goerlach (IPHC IN2P3 CNRS ULP)
Physics at the TEV scale reachable with LHC: Theory session
Prof. Zongguo Si (ShanDong University)
Physics at LHC - Working Session