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12 September 2024 to 26 September 2025
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The 110th HENPIC seminar by Dr. Volodymyr Vovchenko, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, June 25th, 2020, Thursday, 10:30 am (Beijing time)

Not scheduled




---------- Talk title: Recent results on light nuclei production in extended thermal model descriptions ---------- Speaker : Dr. Volodymyr Vovchenko, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab ---------- Abstract: I will present recent results on light nuclei production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions within two extensions of the thermal model approach. First, a canonical formulation of the statistical model will be exploited to analyze the suppression of light nuclei abundances in small systems created in pp and pA collisions at the LHC. Second, the evolution of light nuclei yields during the long-lived hadronic phase in central collisions of heavy ions is described using the cosmological Saha equation approach, providing clues to the remarkable success of thermal models in describing the production of loosely bound states. Finally, I will discuss the feeddown contributions from excited nuclear states, which are found to be sizable at energies corresponding to the RHIC beam energy scan. ---------- Short self-introduction: - Master degree in 2013 at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. - PhD at Goethe University Frankfurt in March 2018, under Prof. Horst Stoecker. The PhD thesis title is "Quantum statistical van der Waals equations and its QCD applications", featured in a PRL article https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.182301 - First postdoc appointment is with Prof. Carsten Greiner at Goethe University Frankfurt from March 2018 to February 2020. The main topics include the QCD equation of state and light nuclei production in heavy-ion collisions. - Since Feb 2020 a postdoc in Nuclear Theory Group at LBNL as a Feodor Lynen Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Personal homepage: http://vovchenko.net

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