Title: From Open Quantum System to Quarkonium Transport inside Quark-Gluon Plasma
The production of heavy quarkonium in heavy ion collisions has been used as
an important probe of the quark-gluon plasma. Transport equations that take into account static plasma screening effect, dissociation and recombination have achieved great success in phenomenology. In this talk, I will explain why transport equations work well to describe the quarkonium evolution inside the quark-gluon plasma. I will start with the recent development in applying the open quantum system formalism to study quarkonium in-medium dynamics and show how to derive the transport equation in this formalism by using effective field theory. Weak coupling and Markovian approximations used in the derivation will be justified from a separation of scales. Finally, I will show some phenomenological results on Upsilon based on coupled transport equations of open heavy flavors and quarkonia.