Title: Recent heavy-flavor results from ATLAS
Speaker: Dr. Qipeng Hu (胡启鹏), University of Colorado Boulder, US (美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校)
Date: Thursday, Jan. 16, 2020, 10:30 am (Beijing time)
In A+A collisions, heavy-flavor (charm and bottom) quarks are created at the initial stage of the collision and experience the entire QGP evolution. Dissociation and regeneration of bound quarkonium states are sensitive to the effects of color screening and color recombination, while open heavy-flavor serves as penetrating probes energy loss mechanism and transport properties of heavy quarks in the QGP. In this seminar, selected results on the production and azimuthal anisotropy of the muons from open heavy-flavor hadron decays and bottomonium nuclear modification factor in different collision systems with the ATLAS experiments will be shown. The implications for our understanding of the QGP properties by comparing the results with model calculations will be discussed.