Title: Charm-hadron production in pp and AA collisions
The enhancements of D_s/D^0 and Lambda_c/D^0 ratios in heavy-ioncollisions as recently measured at RHIC and the LHC have posedchallenges for theoretical models. We address these puzzles bydeveloping a theoretically controlled hadronization framework of heavyquarks that conserves 4-momentum and recovers thermal and chemicalequilibrium limits. In particular, we implement space-momentumcorrelations of charm quarks with flowing partons as a genuineconsequence of a hydrodynamic background, and an improved charmhadro-chemistry that incorporates additional charm hadrons beyond thecurrent listings by the PDG but predicted by the relativistic quarkmodel and lattice QCD. We show that the charm-hadron data at RHIC andthe LHC can be fairly well accounted for by our strong-couplingframework of heavy-flavor transport and hadronization, within currenttheoretical uncertainties.