Yusuke Suda
(Hiroshima University)
TeV gamma-ray telescopes are the established energy frontier in gamma-ray burst study. Starting from a bright long GRB 190114C detected by the MAGIC telescopes, there are three published long GRB detections together with the H.E.S.S. In order to understand this newly revealed nature of GRBs, further detections are longing and investigation with a large sample of non-detected GRBs is important. In this contribution, we present recent progress of our GRB programs including preliminary results of two interesting GRBs; a strong hint of detection from a relatively low luminosity long GRB 201015A and a clear detection from a long GRB 201216C at redshift of 1.1.
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Primary author
Yusuke Suda
(Hiroshima University)