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Oct 25 – 29, 2021
Wangjiang Hotel
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Scientific Program


Plenary talk by



Cosmic rays

1. Yunlong Zhang:The Status and New Results of DAMPE Experiment; 

2. Shoji Torii:Highlights from the CALET observations on the ISS

3. Douglas Bergman:  Highlights of the TA Experiment;

4. Bruce Dawson: Latest Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory

Carmelo Evoli;

Damiano Caprioli

H Zhou;

Q Yuan


1. Ting Li: Review on cosmic survey as a probe of dark matter

Emmanuel Saridakis   

YF Cai;

GB Zhao

Dark matter

1. Maxim Pospelov: Novel constraints on light dark matter via solar reflection and acceleration by cosmic rays ; 

2. Daniel Egana-Ugrinovic: Recent progress in sub-GeV dark matter detection;

3. Meng Yue: Dark Matter Direct Detection Experiments

Caterina Doglioni;

Junwu Huang

HP An;

N Zhou

Extragalactic sources

1. Dmitry Khangulyan: Highlights of the HESS Experiment;

2. Marina Manganaro: Highlights of the MAGIC Experiment; 

3. Rodrigo Lang: Review on origin of UHECRs; 

4. Bing Zhang: Review on GRBs and FRBs

Katsuaki Asano;

Andrew Taylor

PT Tam;

XY Wang

Galactic sources

1. Chang Dong  Rho:  Multi-TeV Gamma-ray Sky Observed using HAWC-Highlights & Recent Results;

2. Takita Masato:  Recent results from the Tibet ASgamma experiment;

3. Stephan Obrien: Highlights of the VERITAS Experiment; 

4. Songzhan Chen: Highlights of the LHAASO Experiment

Ke Fang;

Diego Torres

SM Liu

Y Chen

Gamma rays

1. Felix Aharonian: Review on PeVatrons; 

2. Tim Linden: Review on PWNs; 

3. Jian Li: what we talk about when we talk about gamma-ray binaries;

4. Pasquale Blasi: Review on PeV acceleration;

5. Juan Cortina: on Future gamma-ray experiments

Emma de ona Wilhelmi;

Feng Qi

RZ Yang;

J Li;

RY Liu

Gravitational waves

1. Meg Millhouse: Overview and recent results of L/V/K experiments; 

2. Cristiano Palomba: Constraints on dark photon dark matter using gravitational wave detector data;

3. Omella Piccinni: Searches for gravitational waves from nearby supernovae

Ik Siong Heng;

Hayama Kazuhiro

XJ Zhu

H Gao

ZH Zhu


1. Zhou Shun: Review on neutrino theory;

2. Qinrui Liu:  High-Energy Neutrino Observation Highlights from IceCube;

3. Olga Suvorova: The progress in the construction and operation of the Baikal-GVD

Michael Larson;

Aart Heijboer;

Aya Ishihara

Z Li;

S. Zhou;



Particle physics

1. Zhen Liu: Review on Heavy DM at colliders; 

2. Jure Zupan: Review on flavor dark sector;

3. Tulika Bose :LHC results on the dark sector

Jiji Fan;

Lesya Shchutska

MS Chen;

H Zhang