3HDM with a CP symmetry of order 4: a phenomenological update (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Anomalous triple gauge couplings in electroweak dilepton tails at the LHC and interference resurrection (in session "Parallel: EFT")
Application of the jet charge in electroweak and Higgs physics (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
ATLAS wildcard: Searches with H->tautau with ATLAS (in session "Precision")
Backgrounds in Di-Higgs: 4b (in session "Di-Higgs")
BSM Higgs and anomalies (in session "EFT")
Charm Yukawa through cH associated production (cancelled) (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Charming Yukawa coupling of the Higgs boson (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Charting the Higgs self-coupling boundaries (in session "Di-Higgs")
Closing (in session "Closing Remarks")
CMS wildcard: Latest combined Higgs boson measurements from CMS (in session "Precision")
Combined Effective Field Theory interpretation of ATLAS Higgs measurements (in session "Parallel: EFT")
Combined measurements of Higgs boson couplings and cross sections with the ATLAS detector (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Combined measurements of Higgs boson cross sections and couplings at CMS (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Constraining the Shape of the Higgs Potential Through a Search for Higgs Boson Pairs in the bbtautau Final State with the ATLAS Experiment (in session "Parallel: Di-Higgs")
CP properties and searches (in session "BSM")
Dark Higgs searches (dedicated LLP detectors, e.g. FASER, SHiP, Mathusla, CODEX-b…) (in session "Future (incl. colliders)")
Determination of CPV Higgs mixing angle in ZZ-fusion at 1 TeV ILC (in session "Parallel: Future")
Di-Higgs searches, status and future prospects: non-resonant (in session "Di-Higgs")
Di-Higgs searches, status and future prospects: resonant (in session "Di-Higgs")
Di-Higgs: EFT beyond SMEFT (in session "Di-Higgs")
Discovering a light charged Higgs boson at the LHC (in session "Parallel: BSM")
EFT beyond Higgs: EFT constraints from measurements in the Top quark sector (in session "EFT")
EFT beyond Higgs: Measurements of diboson and multiboson production and associated EFT constraints, including global combination (in session "EFT")
EFT for Higgs beyond dim-6 (in session "EFT")
Electroweak corrections to Higgs pair production in gluon fusion (in session "Parallel: Di-Higgs")
Electroweak strongly-coupled scenarios, heavy resonances and oblique parameters (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Exploring dark photon production via maverick top partner decays at the LHC (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Global EFT fits (in session "EFT")
Higgs 2024 Conference (in session "Closing Remarks")
Higgs as a portal and BSM Exotic Higgs decays (in session "BSM")
Higgs boson couplings and EFT constraints from Higgs boson measurements (in session "EFT")
Higgs boson cross-section measurements in fermionic final states with the CMS detector (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Higgs boson pair production and decay to $b\bar{b}\gamma\gamma$ at NLO in QCD (in session "Parallel: Di-Higgs")
Higgs decay to quarkonia and the Yukawa couplings (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Higgs Physics with ILC (in session "Parallel: Future")
Higgs potential / phase transition (in session "Di-Higgs")
Higgs-strahlung at the LHC in the inert doublet model: Full next-to-leading electroweak and QCD corrections (in session "Parallel: BSM")
High precision results for Higgs and Top decay in QCD (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Hilbert series, the Higgs mechanism, and HEFT (in session "BSM")
Implication of the 95GeV di-tau and di-photon excesses (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Interpreting the 95 GeV Higgs Boson within a 2-Higgs Doublet Model (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Jet veto resummation for Higgs+jet production with NNLL'+NNLO uncertainties (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Lepton flavor violation in CP4 3HDM (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Logistics and announcements (in session "Welcome and Opening")
Low-mass doubly charged Higgs bosons at the LHC (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Measurement of CP properties of the Higgs boson couplings to weak bosons at the ATLAS experiment (15'+5')) (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Measurement of Higgs boson mass using bosonic decay channels with the CMS detector (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Measurement of Higgs boson mass with the ATLAS detector (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Measurement of the H to ZZ to 4l cross-section in pp collisions at sqrt{s} == 13.6 TeV with the ATLAS detector (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Measurement of the Higgs coupling to top quarks with four-top-quark production (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Measurement of ttH and tH Production in the H to bb Decay Channel at CMS (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Measurements and interpretations of Simplified Template Cross Sections and differential and fiducial cross sections in Higgs boson decays to two W bosons with the ATLAS detector (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Measurements of Higgs boson properties in decays to two tau leptons with the ATLAS detector (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Measurements of the Higgs boson production cross sections in bosonic decay channels with the CMS experiment (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Measurements of the Higgs boson properties using decays into bottom and charm quark pairs with the ATLAS detector (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Measurements of third generation Higgs boson Yukawa couplings (in session "Precision")
Multi-Higgs production in vector boson scattering (in session "Parallel: EFT")
Multiple boson production at high-energy muon colliders to probe the Higgs-muon coupling (in session "Parallel: Future")
Non-factorizable corrections to Higgs production in Vector Boson Fusion: Beyond Eikonal (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Non-resonant Di-Higgs searches at CMS (in session "Parallel: Di-Higgs")
One class of non-abelian 4HDM symmetry (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Physics prospects for future colliders and overall outlook (in session "Future (incl. colliders)")
Physics prospects for future colliders: e+e- Higgs factories (CEPC, ILC, FCC-ee) (in session "Future (incl. colliders)")
Physics prospects for future colliders: FCC-hh / muon collider and others e.g. CLIC TeV stages (in session "Future (incl. colliders)")
Physics prospects for HL-LHC (in session "Future (incl. colliders)")
Precision Higgs boson measurements at LHC (in session "Precision")
Precision MCs for Higgs: Status of MCs for Higgs & New developments (in session "Precision")
Probing second generation Yukawa couplings and rare decays (in session "Precision")
Probing the CP Violating top Yukawa coupling at the LHC (in session "Parallel: EFT")
Probing the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking with Higgs boson pair-production at ATLAS (in session "Parallel: Di-Higgs")
Property measurements of the Higgs boson production in association with top quark at the ATLAS detector (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Prospects for Higgs measurements and HH/HY searches at the HL-LHC with CMS (in session "Parallel: Future")
Prospects for light exotic scalar measurements at the e+e- Higgs factory. (in session "Parallel: Future")
Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Dark Matter from Non-Abelian Gauge Symmetry (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Rare Higgs boson decays with the CMS experiment (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Registration (start at 14:00-18:00 on Nov. 26 Sunday afternoon) (in session "Registration (start at 14:00-18:00 on Nov. 26 Sunday afternoon)")
Resonant HH/HY searches at the CMS experiment (in session "Parallel: Di-Higgs")
Search for a standard model-like Higgs boson in the mass range between 70 and 110 GeV in the diphoton final state in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Search for anomalous couplings affecting Higgs boson production and decay with the CMS experiment (in session "Parallel: EFT")
Search for dark matter in mono-Higgs signatures at CMS (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Search for dark photons in rare Z boson decays with the ATLAS detector (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Search for Higgs boson pair production in the b ¯ b γ γ final state from 13 TeV p p collision data with the ATLAS detector (in session "Parallel: Di-Higgs")
Search for Higgs decay to charm quark pair at LHCb (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Search the charged and neutral scalars at the LHC (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Searches for additional heavy Higgs bosons at CMS (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Searches for additional neutral Higgs bosons in ATLAS (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Searches for additional scalar bosons (in session "BSM")
Searches for BSM decays of the Higgs boson (in session "BSM")
Searches for exotic Higgs boson decays at CMS (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Searches for invisible decays of the Higgs boson (in session "BSM")
Searches for rare Higgs boson production modes at CMS (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
Searches for resonances decaying to pairs of bosons in ATLAS (in session "Parallel: Di-Higgs")
Searches for singly- and doubly-charged Higgs bosons in ATLAS (in session "Parallel: BSM")
Searching for dark neutrinos through exotic Higgs decays at the ILC (in session "Parallel: Future")
Semi-leptonic ttbar & ttH reconstruction using Symmetry Preserving Attention Networks at the LHC (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
State of the art of precision SM Higgs calculations and future prospects (in session "Precision")
Status of R&D for future accelerators and detectors (in session "Future (incl. colliders)")
Study of the boosted Higgs boson production (in session "Parallel: Precision & Yukawas")
The Decay $A^{0}\rightarrow hZ^{*}$ in the Inverted Hierarchy and the Production for $A^{0}$ at the LHC in Normal Hierarchy in 2HDM (cancelled) (in session "Parallel: BSM")
The Higgs->bb/cc/gg measurement at CEPC (in session "Parallel: Future")
Theoretical indications on a new scalar boson near 0.5 TeV (in session "Parallel: BSM")
tt+b-jets and ttW as ttH backgrounds (in session "Precision")
ttH @ NNLO (in session "Precision")
Two-loop Electroweak corrections to gg -> HH and gg -> Hg (in session "Parallel: Di-Higgs")
Two-loop EW Corrections to Higgs Boson Pair Production: Yukawa and Self-coupling corrections (in session "Parallel: Di-Higgs")
Unfolded differential Higgs boson measurements at LHC (in session "Precision")
Visit to HEPS
Welcome speech (in session "Welcome and Opening")
Include materials from selected contributions