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27 November 2023 to 2 December 2023
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Electroweak strongly-coupled scenarios, heavy resonances and oblique parameters

1 Dec 2023, 11:00
C305 (Main Building)


Main Building

Parallel session Parallel: BSM


Ignasi Rosell (Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera)


It has been confirmed experimentally the existence of a mass gap between Standard Model and eventual New Physics states. Consequently, the use of effective approaches to search for signals of Physics Beyond the Standard Model is very engaging. We consider a non-linear realizations of the electroweak symmetry breaking, where the Higgs is a singlet with free couplings and the SM fields are also coupled to heavy bosonic resonances. A next-to-leading-order determination of the oblique S and T parameters is given here. The comparison between our estimations and the experimental values allows us to constrain resonance masses to be above the TeV scale, $M_R>3\,$TeV, in agreement with our previous analysis, where we computed these observables with a less general approach.

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Primary author

Ignasi Rosell (Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera)


Antonio Pich (Universitat de Valencia & IFIC) Juan Jose Sanz-Cillero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Presentation materials