A search for di-Higgs boson production in the bbγγ final state is presented, using data collected by the ATLAS experiment during the second data-taking period (Run 2) of the LHC, amounting to an integrated luminosity of 140/fb. Searching for Higgs boson pairs provides an excellent handle for understanding the fundamentals of the Higgs mechanism, and in particular for measuring the trilinear Higgs boson self-coupling λHHH, which is still largely unconstrained. In the new
HH → bbγγ analysis discussed here the two dominant HH production modes (via gluon-gluon Fusion and Vector Boson Fusion) are probed. Moreover, the Vector Boson Fusion production mode constitutes a unique probe to the quartic interaction between two vector bosons and two Higgs bosons (namely,
HHVV). This analysis sets upper limits on the di-Higgs production cross-section, and derives exclusion intervals on the Higgs self-coupling
λHHH and the strength of the HHVV interaction.
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