Parallel: Future: 1
- Junping Tian (The University of Tokyo)
- meng xiao (Zhejiang University)
- Karsten Koeneke ()
- Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris - CNRS/IN2P3)
Parallel: Future: 2
- Junping Tian (The University of Tokyo)
- Karsten Koeneke ()
- Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris - CNRS/IN2P3)
- meng xiao (Zhejiang University)
Energy staged data collection, polarization of both beams and capability of a linear machine to reach TeV center-of-mass energies makes ILC ideal option for a future Higgs factory. It offers unique sensitivity to probe New Physic's deviations from the Standard Model predictions in the Higgs sector. Coupling precisions of the order of 1% and better are necessary to pin down a concrete New...
Accurately measuring the properties of the Higgs boson is one of the core physics objectives of the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CECP). As a Higgs factory, the CEPC is expected to operate at a centre-of-mass energy of 240 GeV, deliver an integrated luminosity of 20 inverse ab, and produce four million Higgs bosons according to the Snowmass report. Combining measurements of the LLH,...
We discuss the capabilities of a high-energy muon collider of discovering (or constraining) anomalous Yukawa interactions of the muon with the Higgs boson. We use a general approach based on two different Effective-Field-Theory frameworks, HEFT and SMEFT. We analyse a large class of processes involving both multi Higgs and/or vector boson production, both for a 3 and 10 TeV machine. We also...
With the current precision of LHC experiments, it is still possible that the 125 GeV mass eigenstate of the Higgs boson is a CP violating mixture of CP eigenstates of opposite parity. We investigate the possibility to measure CPV mixing angle in such scenario, assuming CP-odd admixture of up to 10%. Polarized ILC data are simulated employing the ILD detector, at 1 TeV center of mass energy. ...
We present prospects for Higgs boson measurements at the HL-LHC with the CMS experiment. In particular we focus on resonant and non-resonant di-Higgs searches. For the case of a heavy resonance, we also cover the HL-LHC prospects for decays to a 125 GeV Higgs boson and another heavy resonance.
The physics program of the Higgs factory will focus on measurements of the 125 GeV Higgs boson, with the Higgs-strahlung process being the dominant production channel at 250 GeV. However, production of extra light scalars is still not excluded by the existing experimental data, provided their coupling to the gauge bosons is sufficiently suppressed. Fermion couplings of such a scalar could also...
In this study we investigate the feasibility of detecting heavy dark neutrinos ($N_d$) through exotic Higgs decays at the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC), specifically in the channel of $e^+ e^- \to qq~ H$ with $H\to \nu N_d \to \nu~lW \to \nu l~qq$. Analyses based on full detector simulations of the ILD are performed at the center-of-mass energy of 250 GeV for two different beam...