Parallel: EFT
- Jonathon Langford (Imperial College London)
- Davide Zuliani ()
- Christina Gao (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)
This talk presents the interpretation of the ATLAS combined Higgs boson couplings measurements in the context of several models of physics beyond the Standard Model SM). These models include Two-higgs-doublet models, the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, and general descriptions of deviations from SM predictions based on the Standard Model effective field theory framework. The results are...
We study the electroweak dilepton production with two forward jets at the LHC, aiming to measure the anomalous triple gauge couplings in the Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach. This process exhibits a distinctive feature, namely, the interference between Standard Model (SM) and beyond the SM is resurrected in the inclusive cross section of the full amplitude, including two forward jets. As...
We study Higgs boson production associated with single top or anti-top via t-channel weak boson exchange at the LHC. The process is an ideal probe of the top quark Yukawa coupling, because we can measure the relative phase of htt and hWW couplings, thanks to the significant interference between the two amplitudes. Both the azimuthal asymmetry and the polarization perpendicular to the...
A search for Higgs boson anomalous couplings is carried out using the CMS Run 2 dataset. Anomalous couplings of the Higgs boson to vector bosons (HVV) and gluons (Hgg) are considered, including CP violating effects. The ggH, VBF, and VH production modes of the Higgs boson are targeted. Kinematic information from associated jets is combined using matrix element techniques to increase...
We present an effective field theory study of $WW$ scattering into two, three and four Higgs bosons in the final state. We consider the general HEFT approach and then particularize it for SMEFT scenarios. We make use of the equivalence theorem and improve previous results on $WW\to n h$ cross sections, showing several important cancellations and simplifications which allows us to display these...