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Search for Interstellar $^{60}$Fe, $^{244}$Pu and $^{247}$Cm in a Pacific Ferromanganese Crust

22 Oct 2024, 11:00
GRAND BALLROOM (宴会厅), 2nd Floor

GRAND BALLROOM (宴会厅), 2nd Floor

GULIN BRAVO HOTEL (桂林宾馆),14 Ronghu Road, Guilin, 541002, China
Oral Presentation Applications in Astrophysics and Nuclear Sciences Applications in Astrophysics and Nuclear Sciences


Dominik Koll (The Australian National University & TU Dresden & Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)


The radionuclide $^{60}$Fe(t$_{1/2}$ = 2.6 Myr) is a tracer for recent nucleosynthesis in massive stars and core-collapse supernovae, whereas the longer-lived radionuclide $^{244}$Pu (t$_{1/2}$ = 81 Myr) is synthesized in the astrophysical r-process. The nucleosynthesis site of the r-process is heavily debated in the astrophysics community with rare supernovae and neutron star mergers being the prime candidate sites.
In contrast to freshly synthesised $^{60}$Fe, $^{244}$Pu, due to its much longer half-life, could accumulate in the interstellar medium over geological timescales. A time-resolved profile of $^{60}$Fe and $^{244}$Pu abundances would provide important information about the site of the r-process and interstellar medium dynamics. The r-process nuclide $^{247}$Cm (t$_{1/2}$ = 15.6 Myr) with a shorter half-life than $^{244}$Pu could additionally serve as an independent clock for r-process nucleosynthesis in the galaxy when compared to $^{244}$Pu.

The search for $^{60}$Fe and $^{244}$Pu on Earth with AMS resulted in the discovery of both interstellar radionuclides. Two distinct global influxes of interstellar $^{60}$Fe around 2.4 Myr [e.g. 1,2] and 7 Myr ago [e.g. 2,4] into marine archives, a recent $^{60}$Fe influx into Antarctic snow [3] as well as a corresponding influx of interstellar $^{244}$Pu into a marine ferromanganese crust [4] were reported. The time-resolution of the $^{244}$Pu profile was so far insufficient to fully relate the influx characteristics of $^{244}$Pu to that of $^{60}$Fe. Up to now, no interstellar $^{247}$Cm has been detected on Earth.

In this contribution, we report on a new time-profile of $^{60}$Fe and $^{244}$Pu in a Pacific ferromanganese crust. The acquired $^{60}$Fe profile shows two pronounced peaks of $^{60}$Fe influxes with improved timing. A continuous r-process $^{244}$Pu influx was discovered with a time-resolution of 1 Myr over the last 10 Myr owing to the extraordinarily high total efficiency of Pu AMS of 1% achieved in this project. Recent work on detecting interstellar $^{247}$Cm in the same archive will be presented.

[1] Knie et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004).

[2] Wallner et al., Nature 532 (2016).

[3] Koll et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 (2019).

[4] Wallner et al., Science 372 (2021).

Student Submission No

Primary author

Dominik Koll (The Australian National University & TU Dresden & Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)


Anton Wallner (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf) Michael Hotchkis (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation) Sebastian Fichter (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf) L. Keith Fifield (The Australian National University) Michaela B. Froehlich (The Australian National University) Stefan Pavetich (The Australian National University) Zuzana Slavkovska (The Australian National University) Stephen G. Tims (The Australian National University)

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