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Session Topics

  • New and Advanced AMS Techniques


    New techniques or innovations in AMS measurement and instrumentation.
    Chaired by: Hans-Arno Synal, Ming He, Xiaolei Zhao

  • Positive Ion AMS


    Developments in techniques and instrumentation for positive ion Single Stage AMS.
    Chaired by: Shan Jiang, Hiroyuki Matuszaki

  • RFQ Ion Cooler Techniques


    Developments in RFQ Ion Cooler Techniques for AMS.
    Chaired by: Peter Steier,Dennis Mücher

  • New Isotopes Methodologies


    Development of techniques for the measurement and study of radioisotopes new to AMS.
    Chaired by: Stefan Pavetich,Philippe Collon

  • Sample Preparation Techniques


    Sample separation and preparation methods for achieving lower backgrounds, higher yields, and stronger ion beam currents.
    Chaired by: Régis BRAUCHER,Hongtao Shen

  • Small C-14 Sample Techniques and Applications


    Discussions will focus on milligram to microgram C fractions of natural and anthropogenic biomarkers, compound specific samples and aerosol fractions. Improvements on analytical separations to better isolate C fractions for subsequent AMS analyses, accuracy and precision validation (including blank assessment and background corrections) and/or applications of smaller targets in a wide variety of research areas are welcome.
    Chaired by: Xiaomei Xu,Mariaelena Fedi

  • Radiohalide Techniques and Applications


    AMS analysis of radionuclides as environmental tracers within geological, hydrological, and atmospheric systems.
    Chaired by: Kimikazu Sasa,Xiaolin Hou,Tim Jull

  • Actinide Techniques and Applications


    Discussions on the applications of actinide series elements.
    Chaired by: Elena Chamizo,Stephan Winkler,Marcus Christl

  • Applications of Atmospheric and Environmental C-14


    Applications involving modern C-14 in tracing environmental processes including greenhouse gases, soil processes, biodegradation, and groundwater.
    Chaired by: Jocelyn Turnbull,Sheng Xu

  • Applications in Archaeology


    AMS tools to study and date ancient humans and human activity.
    Chaired by: Hong-Chun Li,Mariaelena Fedi

  • Applications in Climate Studies


    Paleoclimate, ocean and sea ice evolution, glaciations, and climate reconstruction using AMS methods.
    Chaired by: Weijian Zhou, Hiroyuki Matuszaki

  • Applications of Cosmogenic Isotopes


    Applications involving isotopes created via cosmic ray activation and spallation. Topics include exposure dating and groundwater tracing.
    Chaired by: Régis BRAUCHER,David Fink

  • Applications in Biomedicine


    Applications of rare isotopes in tracking human diet, metabolism, and drug efficacy.
    Chaired by: Mark Caffee; Hongtao Shen

  • Applications in Oceanography


    Using the AMS to study sedimentation rates and records, or tracing ocean currents.
    Chaired by: Marcus Christl,Stephan Winkler,Liping Zhou

  • Applications in Astrophysics and Nuclear Sciences


    From the surface of Earth to meteorites and interstellar space. Using the AMS to help understand processes and phenomena within our universe; AMS methods for monitoring nuclear emissions, identifying sources of emissions, and the management of nuclear waste.
    Chaired by: Anton Wallner,Dennis Mücher

  • Reference Materials, Carriers, Intercomparisons


    The investigation of reference materials, new carriers, and AMS intercomparisons.
    Chaired by: David Fink,Anton Wallner

  • New and Upgraded Facilities


    Report on new and updated AMS facilities.
    Chaired by: Hans-Arno Synal, Xiaolei Zhao, Ming He,Kimikazu Sasa

  • IntCal and Dendrochronology


    Discussion at the IntCal and dendrochronology focus on what dendrochronological datasets to be included in the next IntCal calibration curve, regional or laboratory offset corrections, and whether a single year curve for some time period is feasible.
    Chaired by: Tim Jull; Mark Caffee

  • Manufacturers Session


    Manufacturers Session
    Chaired by: Hans-Arno Synal, Hongtao Shen

  • Memorial Session


    This session will be dedicated to honoring the memory of our late predecessors who have made significant contributions to the field of accelerator mass spectrometry. It will be an opportunity for us to reflect on their legacy and celebrate their achievements that have paved the way for current and future advancements in AMS.
    Organized by prof. Ala Aldahan