217 / 217
Stephanie Adler
University of Vienna
- Speaker at Tracking down Tc-99 in the environment
- Aldahan Ala United Arab Emirates University
- Fahad Almarshadi University of Ha'il
- Tyler Anderson Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Takahiro Aze Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
- Rui Bao Ocean University of China
- Balázs Áron Baráth
- Angel Bautista VII DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
- Lucile BECK CEA
- Regis Braucher CEREGE CNRS LN2C
- Tom Brown LLNL USA
- Marc Caffee Purdue University
- Lucio Calcagnile CEDAD-Dept. of Mathematics and Physics, University of Salento
Elena Chamizo-Calvo
Universidad de Sevilla
- Speaker at Actinides measurements on the 1 MV AMS system at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA, Seville, Spain): How far can we go?
- Speaker at Presence of 233U, 236U, 237Np, 239Pu and 240Pu in the continental shelves of Angola and Namibia
- Speaker at How competitive can compact AMS systems be in nuclear waste characterisation?
- dingxiong chen
- Peng Chen Hohai University
- Peng Chen Hohai University
- Peng Cheng Institute of Earth Environment, CAS
- Chun-Yen Chou Department of Geosciences National Taiwan University
- Marcus Christl ETH Zurich
- Philippe Collon University of Notre Dame
- Jianfeng Cui Peking University
- Michael Dee Centre for Isotope Research, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
- PING DING Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Hua Du
- Yukun Fan Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Sebastian Fichter Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
- Damien Finch University of Melbourne
- david fink ansto
- Ronny Friedrich Curt-Engelhorn-Center Archaeometry
Toshiyuki Fujioka
- Speaker at Cosmogenic nuclide dating (using 10Be-26Al in quartz and meteoric 10Be) from West Mediterranean archaeological-paleontological sites in Orce, southern Spain, and Guefaït, eastern Morocco
- Speaker at Difficulty and complexity interpreting cosmogenic nuclide data in cave settings -- a case study in multilevel karst system in Atapuerca, northern Spain
- Naoto Fukuyo Geological Survey of Japan
- Stéphanie Gairoard CEREGE LN2C
- Rafael García-Tenorio Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA), Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain
- Philip Gautschi ETH Zurich, Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics
- Darryl Granger Purdue University
- Zuguang Guan Zhejiang Normal University
- Martina Gwozdz University of Cologne
- Gereon Hackenberg University of Cologne
- Negar Haghipour ETH-Zurich
- Xinyi Han Guangxi Normal University
- Peng He Chengdu University of Technology
- Ming He 中国原子能科学研究院
- Kazuho Horiuchi
- Michael Hotchkis ANSTO
- Xiaolin Hou
- Weikang Hu
- Melania Beatrice Istrati Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering
- Andrey V. Ivanov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
- Go Iwahana International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks
shan Jiang
- Speaker at The Physical problems that exist on AMS
- Li Kai Peking University
- Karim Keddadouche CEREGE - LN2C - ASTER
- Rivoningo Khosa iThemba LABS
- Matthias Klein
- Dominik Koll Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf; Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Applications, Australian National University; Institute of Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, TUD Dresden University of Technology
- Dai Kunikita
- Walter Kutschera University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics
- Johannes Lachner Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
- Laetitia Léanni CEREGE LN2C
- Victoria Lérida-Toro Centro Nacional de Aceleradores
- Hong-Chun Li
- Fang-yu Li National Chung Cheng University
- Hong-Chun Li National Taiwan University
- Hao Li University of Science and Technology of China
- wangxuan li Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Zihan Li Nanjing University
- Dan Liang
- Jong-Myoung Lim Korea Atomic Energy Research Institiute
- Mu Lin Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- mingzhi liu 中国海洋大学
- Yu Liu Institute of Geochemistry, CAS
- Qi Liu 中国科学院地球环境研究所
- Antonio Jesús López Fuentes University of Seville
- José María López-Gutiérrez Universidad de Sevilla
- Mercedes López-Lora Universidad de Sevilla
- David Lund University of Notre Dame
- Qian Ma University of Oxford
- Oscar Marchhart
- Martin Martschini University of Vienna - Faculty of Physics
- Akihiro Matsubara PESCO Co., Ltd
Tetsuya Matsunaka
Kanazawa University
- Speaker at Reanalysis of the formation mechanism of the Cold Water Belt in the southern Okhotsk Sea using I-129 as chemical tracer
- Speaker at Seawater circulation analysis in the Southern and Indian Oceans by cross-sectional I-129 observation
- Speaker at Study on the migration behaviour of Fukushima accident-derived I-129 from land area to the marine environment
- Yuki Matsushi Kyoto University
Hiroyuki Matsuzaki
The University of Tokyo
- Speaker at MALT-AMS:current activity after 30 years history
- Speaker at Study on natural iodine isotope system
- Sascha Maxeiner
- Vela Mbele NRF iThemba LABS
- SATABDI MISRA Department of Geoscience, National Taiwan University
- Eslam Mohamed Ali Mitwally
- Yosuke Miyairi AORI,Univ.Tokyo
- Fusa Miyake Nagoya University
- Griffin Mulcahy University of Notre Dame
- Rodrigo Mundo Instituto de Investigaciones Tropicales de El Salvador
- Kunihiko Nishiizumi University of California, Berkeley
- Lurui Niu University of California, Irvine
Katerina Pachnerova Brabcova
Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS
- Speaker at Radiocarbon and ivory live together in perfect harmony
- Speaker at The first 1000 days of MILEA.03 life
- Santiago Padilla CENIEH
- Junghun Park KIGAM
- Stefan Pavetich The Australian National University
- Jiajun Peng Kyoto University
Habacuc Pérez-Tribouillier
ETH Zurich, Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics
- Speaker at Deciphering circulation patterns, timescales and mixing in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans: insights from radionuclide transient tracers – the TITANICA project
- Speaker at Establishing detection limits and optimal sample-matrix composition for an enhanced actinide determination using the ETH MILEA system
- Speaker at Influx of Atlantic Waters into the Arctic Ocean assessed using I-129, U-236 and neodymium isotopes
- Alexandru Razvan Petre Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering
- Alexey Petrozhitskiy Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences
- Yuanzhi Qi The University of Tokyo
- Gianluca Quarta University of Salento
- Mark Roberts Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Annabel Rolofs Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
- Georg Rugel Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
- Minoru Sakamoto
- Dario Sanchez Jimenez Universidad de Sevilla
- Masaki Sano National Museum of Japanese History
Kimikazu Sasa
University of Tsukuba
- Speaker at Improvement of Cl-36 measurements at the Tsukuba 6 MV AMS facility
- Speaker at The 6 MV multi-nuclide AMS system at the University of Tsukuba: Status report after 10 years of operation
- Speaker at Distribution of I-129 in the terrestrial environment after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
- Speaker at Iodine-129 deposition from atmosphere in the sample preparation rooms for AMS.
- Markus Schiffer University of Cologne, Germany
- Andrea Scifo
- Liu Shan Hubei University
- TZU-TSEN SHEN National Taiwan University
- Yoshiki Shirahama ERI, the University of Tokyo
- Shi Shu lin
- Zuzana Slavkovska The Australian National University
- Richard Staff University of Oxford
- Peter Steier University of Vienna – Faculty of Physics, Isotope Physics, Vienna, Austria
- Mark Sundquist NEC
- Kilho Sung GNS Science
- Hans-Arno Synal
- Mirei Takeyama Yamagata University
- Alexandria Tancicongco Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
- Yoko Tsuchiya The University of Tokyo
- Konrad Tudyka Silesian University of Technology
- Jocelyn Turnbull GNS Science
Masao Uchida
- Speaker at Radiocarbon Dating of an Alpine Plant Leaf Found in Permafrost on the Daisetsu Mountains, Hokkaido, Japan
- Speaker at Source apportionment of sedimentary PAHs in Sakudrada Moat of Imperial Palace, Tokyo using compound-specific radiocarbon analysis
- Speaker at Status and recent progress of the AMS system at NIES-TERRA
- Masao Uchida National Institute for Environmental Studies
Jeff Darren Valdez
DOST - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
- Speaker at Investigating the North Equatorial Current bifurcation of nuclear bomb radionuclides from the Pacific Proving Grounds through iodine-129 in coral cores along the East Philippine coast
- Speaker at Iodine-129 as an environmental tracer of salinity and freshwater leachates in Boracay Island, Philippines
- Carlos Vivo-Vilches University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Isotope Physics, Vienna, Austria
Christof Vockenhuber
ETH Zurich
- Speaker at 129I at MILEA
- Speaker at AMS of $^{36}$Cl at the ETH Zurich 6 MV Tandem – the classical way
- Speaker at Pushing the limits of $^{26}$Al at MILEA
Anton Wallner
- Speaker at $^{60}$Fe and $^{182}$Hf nucleosynthesis via double neutron capture
- Speaker at HAMSTER – a new universal 1-MV AMS facility at HZDR with ion cooler and SIMS capabilities
- Speaker at Reproducibility and accuracy of actinide AMS – measurement limits from high-precision studies on $^{235}$U(n,$\gamma$)$^{236}$U
- Hong Wang Beijing Normal University
- Yipeng Wang Ocean University of China
- Peng Wang
- Ning Wang
- Yanyun Wang Insititute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Stephan Winkler
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
- Speaker at Establishing matrix backgrounds and radionuclide concentrations for the metrology of new, SI-traceable isotope standards for the determination of key radioactive pollutants in the environment by (accelerator) mass spectrometry
- Speaker at Exploring the lowest levels of environmental $^{90}$Sr/Sr compared to $^{236}$U/U in carbonates and seawater using a new, highly sensitive Accelerator Mass Spectrometry technique
- Janis Wolf
- Xiaohu Xiong Institute of Earth Environment, CAS
- Xiaomei Xu University of California, Irvine
- Xinru Xu University of Tokyo
- Sheng Xu
- Takeyasu Yamagata The University of Tokyo
- Bin Yang Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation
- Yongliang Yang Key Lab of Eco-geochemistry (MNR), China
- Yusuke Yokoyama Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
- Misao YOKOYAMA Kyoto University
- Hongyan Zhang Nanjing University
- Luyuan Zhang Institute of Earth Environment, CAS
- Guofeng Zhang College of Physics and Technology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, China
- Wen hui Zhang
- Meixun Zhao Ocean University of China
- Minjie Zheng Lund University
- Chaogang Zheng Nanjing Normal University
- Guo Zhiyu Peking University
- 卫健 zhou 中国科学院地球环境研究所
- Weijian Zhou Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Liping Zhou Peking University
- huimin zhu USTC
- Sebastian Zwickel Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
- 兆丰 万
- 霞 于 贵州理工学院
- 云翀 付 中国科学院地球环境研究所
- 文静 付
- 皓皓想 仲 广州航海学院
- 文桥 刘 广西师范大学
- 婉玉 刘 北京师范大学
- 征天 卢 中国科学技术大学
- 小红 吴 Peking University
- 凯勇 吴 广西师范大学
- 鹏 周 自然资源部南海生态中心
- 俊森 唐 Guangxi Normal University
伟伟 孙
University of Science and Technology of China
- Speaker at Exploration of 41Ca dating
- 建平 宋 浙南放射医学与核技术应用研究院
- 步坚 崔
- 慧 张
- 立欣 张 天津大学地球系统科学学院
- 洪阳 徐 华东师范大学
- 朝路 易 北京年代科技,西藏大学,中科院青藏所
- 辉辉 曹 兰州大学
- 佳 曹 北京师范大学
- 建良 李 中国原子能科学研究院
- 铃蓉 杜
- 国民 杨
- 役 杨 北京师范大学
- 鹏雨 林 南京大学
- 河 欧阳
- 洪涛 沈 Guangxi Normal University
- 郁达 炊 中国科学院地球环境研究所
- 振川 牛 中国科学院地球环境研究所
乐之 王
- Speaker at Laser Photo Detachment for Sr-90 Detection
- 佳眉 王 中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所
- 丽楠 王 天津大学
- UNKNOWN 王夕露 高能所
- 永精 管 广西大学
- 茂益 罗
- 克君 董 天津大学
蔚 蒋
- Speaker at 81Kr dating with 1 kg of polar ice
- 冰 许 Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 庆章 赵 中国原子能科学研究院
- 浩庭 邱
- 君 钟 天津大学
- 茂柏 陈 Institute of Earth Environment,CAS
- 达如 陈 浙江师范大学
- 实 陈 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所
- 铫 顾 南京大学
- 亚飞 魏 河南大学
- 巍 魏
- 莘雅 黄
- äºæ¥ 黄