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Tracking down Tc-99 in the environment

25 Oct 2024, 09:40
GOLDEN CASSIA (金桂厅), 2nd Floor

GOLDEN CASSIA (金桂厅), 2nd Floor

Oral Presentation New Isotopes Methodologies New Isotopes Methodologies


Stephanie Adler (University of Vienna)


Concentrations of the anthropogenic radionuclide $^{99}$Tc (t$_{1/2}$ = 2.1$\times$ 10$^5$ yrs) have been extensively studied in the Irish Sea, where the Sellafield reprocessing plant is responsible for high concentrations of 2$\times$ 10$^9$ atoms/ml. However, a comprehensive understanding of its global distribution and physico-chemical behavior in the environment remains limited. The accurate determination of $^{99}$Tc concentrations in samples distant from contamination sources requires detection methods with exceptionally high sensitivities of better than 10$^7$ atoms/sample or prohibitively large sample volumes.

In AMS of $^{99}$Tc effective suppression of the stable isobar $^{99}$Ru and establishment of a reliable normalization method are imperative. Various strategies can be employed for the suppression of $^{99}$Ru: at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator (VERA), we investigate an approach using a 3 MV tandem accelerator coupled with the Ion-Laser InterAction MS (ILIAMS) setup. It has been shown that because of different detachment energies, $^{99}$RuF$_5^−$ can be suppressed by a factor of up to 105 using a 532 nm-laser, making extraction of $^{99}$TcF$_5^−$ a viable option for ILIAMS [1]. For normalization to $^{93}$NbF$_5^−$ extracted from the same sample, the reproducibility of the method was significantly improved by a factor of 3 by optimization of ion source parameters.

At AMS-facilities equipped with large accelerators that can reach >10 MV terminal voltage, another approach can be pursued. The Australian National University (ANU) uses a 15 MV tandem accelerator, so that the ions are accelerated to ~190 MeV and $^{99}$Ru and $^{99}$Tc are separated in an 8-anode ionization chamber. The minute differences in their energy loss characteristics are only observable at these high ion energies [2]. Normalization to $^{93}$NbO$^-$ current extracted from the sputter matrix [3] achieved a precision of 10%. Technical details of this technique are presented in the contribution from Stefan Pavetich.

Implementing this latter approach, we not only met the criteria for sensitivity and reproducibility but also marked a significant milestone by effectively analyzing a comprehensive set of samples from different environmental reservoirs. Among these were 1 g peat bog samples and 10 L water samples from the Pacific Ocean and European rivers. By employing chemical preparation techniques and subsequent AMS measurement we successfully determined ultra-trace levels of $^{99}$Tc.

[1] Martschini et al. Radiocarbon 64(3) (2022), doi: 10.1017/RDC.2021.73
[2] Wacker, et al., Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res B 223-224 (2004), doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2004.04.038
[3] Koll et al., Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res B 438 (2019), doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2018.05.002

Student Submission Yes

Primary author

Stephanie Adler (University of Vienna)


Prof. Karin Hain (University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Isotope Physics, Vienna, Austria ) Prof. L. Keith Fifield (Australian National University, Research School of Physics, Department of Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Applications, Canberra, Australia) Fadime Gülce (University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Isotope Physics, Vienna, Austria ) Martin Martschini (Australian National University, Research School of Physics, Department of Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Applications, Canberra, Australia) Stefan Pavetich (Australian National University, Research School of Physics, Department of Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Applications, Canberra, Australia) Dr Steve G. Tims (Australian National University, Research School of Physics, Department of Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Applications, Canberra, Australia) Prof. Robin Golser (University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Isotope Physics, Vienna, Austria)

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