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Annual 10Be record in travertine covering 1510-1701: a new proxy for reconstructing annual solar activity

23 Oct 2024, 10:00
GRAND BALLROOM (宴会厅), 2nd Floor

GRAND BALLROOM (宴会厅), 2nd Floor

GULIN BRAVO HOTEL (桂林宾馆),14 Ronghu Road, Guilin, 541002, China
Oral Presentation Applications of Cosmogenic Isotopes Applications of Cosmogenic Isotopes


Hongyang Xu (华东师范大学)


Previous research has revealed that the 10Be record in laminated travertine has significant potential for reconstructing past high-resolution solar activity. However, the depositional processes of atmospheric 10Be into travertine have not been entirely resolved, therefore the methodology for extracting the production signal is not well established. In this study, we present an annually resolved 10Be record from Baishuitai travertine covering 1510-1701 CE, along with environmental proxies, discuss the potential influence of climatic/environmental variations on the travertine 10Be record, and propose an improved correction methodology for extracting the atmospheric 10Be production signal from the travertine. We show that 10Be deposition in travertines has two environmental impacts: the transport efficiency of atmospheric 10Be into travertine and the additional 10Be inflow from overland flow caused by rainfall. We demonstrate that these effects can be corrected based on iron and potassium contents, and the resulting corrected record reasonably agrees with ice-core and tree-ring data, indicating that 10Be in travertine can be a good proxy for probing the past annual solar activity.

Student Submission No

Primary authors

Hongyang Xu (华东师范大学) Hiroko Miyahara (Musashino Art University) 立旻 周 (华东师范大学) Kazuho Horiuchi


Hiroyuki Matsuzaki (MALT, The University of Tokyo, Japan) 茜 赵 (华东师范大学) 海伶 甘 (华东师范大学) 维均 罗 (中科院贵阳地化所) Michael E Meadows (University of Cape Town) 祥民 郑 (华东师范大学)

Presentation materials