Beijing Normal University acquired a 1MV multi-element AMS system from High Voltage Engineering Europa; the system is now commissioned after some delay. This advanced 1MV system is uniquely configured to accommodate efficient transmission of all elements from light to heavy, including an additional detector line dedicated to 10Be detection with overall beryllium ion transmission efficiency matching those of 5-6 MV systems. For the main detector line, both the low- and high-energy magnet boxes are electrically insulated so that a rapid sequential isotope selection mode can be used for data acquisition, in measurements of up to 10 different actinide isotopes at 1 Hz rate. In this report, all data (10Be, 14C, 26Al, 41Ca, 129I, 236U, 239,240Pu) from the recently completed on-site acceptance tests are presented, with selected aspects discussed in more details.
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