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Novel Concepts For Multipurpose AMS Systems

21 Oct 2024, 09:50
GRAND BALLROOM (宴会厅), 2nd Floor

GRAND BALLROOM (宴会厅), 2nd Floor

GULIN BRAVO HOTEL (桂林宾馆),14 Ronghu Road, Guilin, 541002, China
Oral Presentation New and Advanced AMS Techniques Plenary


Johannes Lachner (HZDR)


Conventional low-energy AMS has seen major progress in measurement efficiency via optimized beam stripping in the accelerator but also in measurement selectivity via improved suppression of molecular and atomic isobars after the accelerator. This led to a separation of systems specialized either on measurements of radiocarbon or on determination of a broader spectrum of radionuclides ranging from $^{10}$Be to the actinides. Both, the specialization and the general process of optimization and reduction of size and complexity have opened the field to a wide range of users and operators of AMS systems outside traditional accelerator laboratories. However, it has made it more complicated to incorporate new equipment. The recent developments of gas reaction cells and ion-laser interaction for isobar suppression promise to substantially enhance the measurement capabilities of compact systems.
In this presentation, I will highlight common features and differences of state-of-the-art AMS systems and what this implies for the design of future multipurpose AMS systems. In the evolution of the AMS technique we will probably see a larger variety of specialized ion sources and injection lines in addition to the standard Middleton type Cs sputter ion source. I will specifically focus on examples from experiments at the ion-laser-interaction mass spectrometer ILIAMS at the VERA (Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator) facility. This technique allows measuring $^{36}$Cl or $^{26}$Al from extraction of AlO$^{–}$ and non-classical AMS radionuclides such as $^{135}$Cs. I will also discuss the new AMS system HAMSTER (Helmholtz Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Tracing Environmental Radionuclides; Wallner et al., this conference) at HZDR as an example of a new multipurpose AMS system holding several injection beamlines including an ion-laser interaction and a secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS).

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