Sample Preparation Techniques
- Kunihiko Nishiizumi (University of California, Berkeley)
Sample Preparation Techniques
- Xiaomei Xu (University of California, Irvine)
Sample separation and preparation methods for achieving lower backgrounds, higher yields, and stronger ion beam currents.
We report here the progress of the sealed tube zinc reduction method for graphitization over the past 22 years at the W. M. Keck Carbon Cycle AMS facility (KCCAMS) at the University of California, Irvine, USA. Since the publication of the method in 2007, we have significantly improved and expanded this technique. First, we have further decreased the background associated with combustion and...
A method of hydrogen sulfide removal in water (for DIC radiocarbon analysis) or carbon dioxide gas was investigated. By using a silver nitrate solution in diluted nitric acid in a gas wash device, or a trap filled with silver nitrate impregnated silica gel, the hydrogen sulfide was easily removed from the carbon dioxide. The cleaned CO2 is pure enough to get reduced by hydrogen on the iron...
10Be and 26Al sample preparation at the GXNU-AMS laboratory
Kaiyong Wu1, Hongtao Shen1, 2*, Linjie Qi1, He Ouyang1, Guofeng Zhang1, Junsen Tang1, 2, Dingxiong Chen1, Xinyi Han1, Xinya Huang1, Lingrong Du1, Weixin Chen1, Wenqiao Liu1
1. College of Physics and Technology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin Guangxi 541004, China
2. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear...
Kunihiko Nishiizumi, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-7450, USA. (
Beryllium and Be compounds, especially inhalation of very small particles or fumes, are known to be extremely toxic materials. Although the occupations with the highest risk are likely Be mining and machining,...
A method for preparing gas samples was established in Guangxi Normal University. The method consists of three parts: introducing nitrogen to exhaust the impurity, releasing the gas and circulating CO2 , purifying CO2 and graphitization. A series of atmospheric samples were prepared to verify the feasibility and stability of this method. Moreover, the carbon content corresponding to the...
Tree-ring cellulose is a commonly used material for radiocarbon analysis. Extracting cellulose is labor-consuming and several devices that enable batchwise extraction have been developed. However, these devices bear the risk of sample contamination. The present study describes a new device which improves upon two aspects of currently available devices. First, to prevent...