Zoom connection information
Meeting ID: 666 4623 8623
Passcode: cepc-tdr
Dedicated discussions on CEPC calorimeter mechanics scheduled at 2PM (NEW!) in March 8
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/91510976844?pwd=aDBZaGphQ2NmdHFVZFoxekVPWmNiQT09
Meeting ID: 9151097684
Password: 080324
Items to discussed: decision-making for HCAL mechanics design -> detector geometry in CEPCSW
Barrel HCAL modules
Geometry shape: symmetric vs assymetric
N-sided polygon: N=8, 12 or 16?
HCAL barrel-endcap designs and mounting position of endcaps
Option 1: endcaps mounted inside barrel HCAL (examples?)
Option 2: endcaps mounted on the endcap yoke (e.g. ILD, CMS)