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Jul 19 – 21, 2024
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Contribution List

35 / 35
7/19/24, 8:00 AM
Tao Han (Univ. of Pittsburgh & TsingHua University)
7/19/24, 9:00 AM
Christophe Grojean (CERN)
7/19/24, 10:40 AM
Alessandro Strumia (Pisa University)
7/19/24, 11:10 AM
Wolfgang Altmannshofer (UC Santa Cruz)
7/19/24, 11:40 AM
Lijing Shao (Peking University)
7/19/24, 2:30 PM
Tao Liu (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
7/19/24, 4:30 PM
Xiao-Jun Bi (IHEP)
7/19/24, 5:00 PM
John Ellis (King's College London)
7/20/24, 9:00 AM
Haipeng An (Tsinghua University)
7/20/24, 10:40 AM
Jin Min Yang (ITP, Beijing)
7/20/24, 11:10 AM
Shinya Kanemura (O)
7/20/24, 11:40 AM
Bob Holdom (University of Toronto)
7/20/24, 2:00 PM
Jia Liu (Peking University)
7/20/24, 3:30 PM
Lei Wu (Nanjing Normal University)
7/20/24, 5:00 PM
Jiayin Gu (Fudan University)
7/21/24, 9:00 AM
Zuowei Liu (Nanjing University)
7/21/24, 9:30 AM
Marco Drewes (Université catholique de Louvain)
7/21/24, 10:40 AM
Bhupal Dev (Washington University in St. Louis)
7/21/24, 11:10 AM
Zhen Liu (FNAL)
7/21/24, 11:40 AM
Yang Bai (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
7/21/24, 2:00 PM
Hai-Bo Yu (University of California, Riverside)
7/21/24, 2:30 PM
Yiming Zhong (City University of Hong Kong)
7/21/24, 3:00 PM
YIFU CAI (University of Science and Technology of China)
7/21/24, 4:00 PM
Shao-Feng Ge (SJTU)
7/21/24, 4:30 PM