- OTP needs to be updated
- Schedule
- Sensor: 3 months delay
- pre-production ASIC probing: ID 254 end of April 3.5
- PEB: FDR in May
- Jie: some of procument component are not ready
- HV: payment of pre-prod: Shandong will pay
- Module:
- Polymide who pay: need to clarify
- Joao: should not pay items not in MOU
- Module flex: pre-prod finish in end of May, most likely to delay
- Module assembly in July
- Database: need double check whether the database works
- Mei will introduce sensor database
- DU:
- Joao: needs to know Didier's method
- try to finish earlier
- manpower to CERN needed from Oct 20205 to end of 2028
3. ASIC probing update
4. Plan for moving to new clean room
- Joao: need more details from Yunyun
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