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20–24 Jul 2016
UCAS-YuQuan, China
Asia/Shanghai timezone

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences will host the 10th international workshop on Monte Carlo Tools for Physics Beyond Standard Model (MC4BSM) 2016 in Beijing from July 20-24. The meeting will take place at the Meeting Room of the Auditorium of UCAS (YuQuan Campus). ​

MC4BSM 2016 Beijing will be jointly sponsored by Central China Normal University, Center for future High Energy Physics of CAS, Center for High Energy at Peking University, China Center of Advanced Science and Technology, Institute of High Energy of CAS, Institute of theoretical physics of CAS, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, Shan-Dong University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Zhe-Jiang University.

MC4BSM is a series of workshops aiming to gather theorists and experimentalists interested in developing Monte Carlo tools to simulate collider signatures of Beyond the Standard Model Physics, and to use such tools in phenomenological studies and in searches for new physics at energy frontier colliders.

Since 2006, nine workshops have been held in this series, hosted in USA, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, and Korea. The focus of MC4BSM-2016 in Beijing will include: 1) to report new features and new developments of general-purpose MC tools, such as CalcHEP, CompHEP, FDC, Herwig, Madgraph, Pythia, Sherpa, Whizard, and others; 2) to discuss the experimental needs from the LHC, from dark matter experiments, and from physics studies of future colliders, including the ILC, the circular Higgs factories (CEPC/FCC-ee), Z-factories, and a 100 TeV proton collider (SPPC/FCC-hh); 3) to offer tutorials to senior PhD students, postdocs, and young faculty interested in using MC tools in their research.

We plan to have 60-80 participants in total: 20-30 international participants, including the core developers of general-purposed MC tools from around the world, 10-15 domestic participants from local MC-development groups, and 10-15 domestic experimentalists from the high-energy phenomenology and experimental communities.

People who are interested in tutorials can apply and we set a limit for 20 and the deadline for registration is set to be 30/May/2016. The registration fee is 1,200 RMB for each participant, which is used to rent meeting rooms and meals and so on.

Registration: http://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/5301

Contact Person: Qiang Li Email: qliphy0@pku.edu.cn

Contact Person: Qi-Shu Yan Email: yanqishu@ucas.ac.cn


UCAS-YuQuan, China
YuQuan Road