Carsten Hast
We present status of and future plans for the various electron test beam lines at SLAC.
The presentation will focus on ESTB, the End Station (A) Test Beam, which after rebuilds during 2017, will continue to deliver 2 to 16 GeV primary electrons (10^9) per pulse, or single electron (1-100) per pulse at 5Hz rate. These beams have been used by around 500 Users in 38 experiments over the past 4 years for detector R&D (RHIC, ATLAS, g-2, etc.) and accelerator physics experiments.
In addition SLAC is currently operating ASTA, a 5MeV electron beam line with ultra short pulses and NLCTA beam lines which provides electron beams between 60 and 300 MeV. FACET-II, which will provide 10 GeV very high current and very short pulsed electron and positron beams, is in its planning stage for delivering beams in 2019.
Primary author
Carsten Hast