Dominic Gaisbauer
(TU Muenchen)
The Intelligent FPGA Data Acquisition Framework (IFDAQ)
is used for the development of the data acquisition systems.
It provides a collection of IPcores needed to built entire data acquisition
systems starting from a very simple stand-alone Time-to-Digital-Converter module
to a large-scale DAQ including time distribution, slow control, data concentrators
and event builders.
The IPcore library consists of SERDES-based TDC with a resolution depending on the
FPGA type (229 ps for the Artix7-1 speedgrade, 100 ps for the Virtex6-2 speedgrade),
an ADC interface including data processing ([pedestal] determination, signal detection and
time extraction using digital contstant fraction discrimination), a Unified Communication Framework (UCF),
an event builder, and a slow control core.
The UCF is an inter-FPGA communication protocol for high-speed
serial interfaces. It provides up to 64 different communication channels
via a single serial link. One channel is reserved for timing and trigger
information, the other channels can be used for slow control interfaces
and data transmission. All channels are bidirectional and share link
bandwidth according to assigned priority. The timing channel distributes
messages with fixed and deterministic latency in one direction. From this
point of view the protocol implementation is asymmetrical. The framework
supports point-to-point and star-like 1:n topologies. The
star-like topology can be used for front-ends with low data rates and
pure time-distribution systems. In this topology, the master broadcasts
information according to assigned priority, the slaves communicate in a
time-sharing manner to the master.
The first applications of the IFDAQ is the upgrade of the drift detectors of the
COMPASS experiment at CERN, the straw detectors of the dirft chambers of the NA64
experiment at CERN, and the read-out for the Belle II pixel detector at KEK in Japan.
Primary author
Dominic Gaisbauer
(TU Muenchen)