Andre Zibell
Currently m$^2$ large Micromegas detectors with a spatial resolution better than 100 $\mu$m are of big interest for many experiments and applications.
The combination of large size and excellent spatial resolution requires highly sophisticated construction methods in order to fulfil tight mechanical tolerances.
We present a method to survey full sized micromegas detectors on potential detector deformations or deviations of the internal micro pattern structure from design values by comparing to precision reference tracking of cosmic muons.
The LMU Cosmic Ray Facility consists of two 8 m$^2$ ATLAS MDT (monitored drift tube) chambers for precision muon reference tracking, as well as two segmented trigger hodoscopes for 10 cm position information along the wires of the MDTs with sub-ns time resolution.
The angular acceptance for cosmic muons is $\pm$ 30 degrees and its mechanical layout allows the installation of one or multiple Micromegas detectors in between the MDT reference chambers. Track segments reconstructed in all systems can be compared, allowing a full scan for efficiency homogenity, pulse height, single plane angular resolution and spatial resolution, also as function of multiple scattering.
In addition to results on the performance of resistive strip Micromegas detectors of size up to 2 m$^2$ we report on the synchronized electronic readout system, based on standerd MDT electronics, together with custom electronics and firmware, based on the SRS Scalable Readout System.
Primary author
Andre Zibell
Loesel Philipp
(Ludwig-Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen)