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4–7 Jun 2018
Asia/Shanghai timezone
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Cryogenic System for the SCLF Cryomodule Test Facility

Not scheduled
Main building (IHEP)

Main building




Jiuce Sun (S)


The Shanghai Coherent Light Facility (SCLF), a quasi-continuous wave hard X-ray free electron laser facility, is currently under construction. The linear accelerator of SCLF project will consist of about 78 cryomodules. All superconducting components within the cryomodules, i.e., the cavities and magnets are supposed to be tested before the Cryomodule assembly. The assembled complete Cryomodules have also to be qualified afterwards. Moreover, the superconducting undulators (SCU), which are planned to be implemented in SCLF, also generates the similar test requirements before installation in the tunnel. In response to these demands, a cryogenic test facility (CTF) is being built within SCLF project. In this paper, the design specification, process analysis, system scope, conceptual layout, description of single compotes, and test schedule of the cryogenic system for the CTF will be introduced.

Primary author


Lei Lei (ShanghaiTech University) Dr Lei Zhang (ShanghaiTech University) Shuhua Wang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Xiongzhong Deng (ShanghaiTech University) Prof. Zhengrong Ouyang (High Magnetic Field Laboratory,Chinese Academy of Sciences)

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