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4–7 Jun 2018
Asia/Shanghai timezone
Young Engineers are encouraged to attend the open courses in 4th June. You can sign up when registering.


International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations

Program Committee

Dana Arenius

Jlab, USA

Tripti Sekhar Datta

IUAC, India

Dimitri Delikaris

CERN, Switzerland

Ralf Eichhorn

Cornell U, USA

Arkadiy Klebaner

Fermilab, USA

Alexey Koveshnikov

TRIUMF, Canada

Yasuhiro Makida

KEK, Japan

Shrikant Pattalwar


Bernd Petersen

DESY, Germany

John Weisend II

ESS, Sweden


8th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations

IHEP Local Organizing Committee

   Rui Ge    

Qing Qin

Jianshe Cao

Shaopeng Li

Zhuo Zhang

Kun He