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Nov 19 – 23, 2018
Asia/Shanghai timezone
The newly discovered Standard Model Higgs-like resonance at the large hadron collider (LHC) has opened a new chapter for high energy physics. The Run II of LHC is being analysed and Run III will start soon. A new era of accurate measurements possibly leading to discoveries in particle physics has arrived. In addition, the worldwide future projects of particle physics at the energy frontier, like ILC, FCC, CEPC and SPPC, etc., have taken this opportunity to leap forward and have been actively developed. To correctly predict and then interpret the results found at colliders, we need comprehend all relevant and complex physics to the most precision so as to make the discovery possible. To reach this goal, Monte-Carlo tools play an indispensable role to determine these subatomic processes accurately. Starting from a Lagrangian, it is now possible for theorists as well as for experimentalists, to automatically compute matrix elements and generate events at the parton level for any process of interest at present and future colliders. Once interfaced to parton shower programs, such as HERWIG and Pythia, and then to detector simulation package (DELPHES), such events provide accurate simulations of high-energy collisions. In order to meet the strong demands from promising PhD students and young post-docs interested in particle physics and to foster a new generation of physicists in collider physics, we organize a five-day school on MC tools for collider physics, FeynRules/MadGraph School on Collider Phenomenology at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), in Hefei, Anhui Province, from Nov/19-23 2018. The school is jointly supported by University of Science and Technology of China and Institute of High Energy Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences. All interested students and young researchers working in topics in High Energy Physics are welcome to apply. In particular, experimentalists interested in collider phenomenology are also encouraged to apply. Applicants should have a proven record in collider physics and his/her supervisor’s recommendation letter. A poster session will be organized for participants who wish to present their work done on related subjects. The registration fee is 1000 CNY for students (shared room), and 1500 CNY for students (single room), each teacher is 1500 CNY, this fee covers accommodation, meals and banquet, no extra expanses needed. Interested applicants should fill in the application form at the school page: https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/7822/registration/ by September 15st. The applicant should also arrange a recommendation letter sent from his/her supervisor, to the following email addresses cenzhang@ihep.ac.cn lixiaozhou@ustc.edu.cn Successful applicants will be notified by email in September. The participants will be requested to install tools (including MG5/Python and FeynRules/Mathematica) before the start of the school. The list of, and links to, the required tools can be found here https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/7822/page/6 We look forward to welcoming all of you who wish to contribute to new physics discoveries at the LHC Era!