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19–23 Nov 2018
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Tool installation

When you encounter some problems to install the programs, please visit the LaunchPad:


where you can find solutions for the most of the cases. Even if you fail to install some of the programs, don’t worry. We help to solve them during the school. 

%%%%% Instruction %%%%%

1. [FeynRules] requires Mathematica. Those who cannot use it on your laptop, we recommend to download the free 15-day trial version:


1.1. go to the FeynRules webpage, and just download the file (feynrules-current.tar.gz) on your computer:


2. [MaGraph5_aMC@NLO] needs python 2.6 or 2.7 and fortran/gcc 4.6 or higher, so please confirm if these are on your computer. Gnuplot is not necessary, but highly recommended to be installed in order to have merging plots.

2.1. go to the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO webpage:


2.2. download the latest version (v2.6.4)
2.3. at your working directory, untar

$ tar zxvf MG5_aMC_v2.6.4.tar.gz
$ cd MG5_aMC_v2_6_4/
$ ./bin/mg5_aMC
(start MG5aMC shell)

2.4. install [pythia8] and [MadAnalysis5] by 

MG5_aMC> install pythia8
MG5_aMC> install MadAnalysis5 --with_fastjet 

Note that the pythia8 installation takes time (about 30 min or so). During the installation, you may be asked to install other related programs. Please continue with “Y(es)”.

2.5 If everything is fine, please try, .e.g.

MG5_aMC> generate p p > t t~
MG5_aMC> output
MG5_aMC> launch

(press the return key twice) you should get 10,000 events after a few minutes.

2.6. open a html file via a browser to see results by

MG5_aMC> open index.html

Click "Results and Event Database”, where you can find the cross section. Click “MA5_report_analysis1”, where you can find some distributions, created by MadAnalysis5. 

3. For loop calculations, install loop tools and try, e.g.

MG5_aMC> install looptools
MG5_aMC> generate p p > t t~ [QCD]
MG5_aMC> output
MG5_aMC> launch

You should get a NLO result after several minitutes.

4. [Delphes] needs ROOT. Please download it at


and set it up so as to use ROOT on your laptop. 

4.1 install Delphes in the MG5_aMC shell as

MG5_aMC> install Delphes

The following webpage may also help for the Delphes installation:
