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Jan 12 – 18, 2019
Asia/Shanghai timezone


1. In downtown area (40 minutes drive from the conference)

  •  Regal Shanghai East Asia Hotel (map)group rate 500 RMB/night (breakfast included). For official booking, please contact Mr. Wei Jiang, John.jiang@regalshanghai.com, with conference code JUNO2019. You can request for single-bed or double-bed rooms.
  •  FX hotel (map)group rate 380 RMB/night (breakfast included). For official booking, please contact Ms. Xiaoxia Yang, sales2.xujiahui@fxhotels.com, with conference code JUNO2019. You can request for single-bed or double-bed rooms.

Both hotels accept major international credit cards and Union-Pay cards. We will arrange morning/evening shuttles. The shuttle pickup and dropoff location are all at the entrance to East Asia. You can request for single-bed or double-bed rooms.


2. SJTU Minhang campus (close to the conference) (map): Rooms are available in the Academic Activity Center of SJTUThe center has two buildings. You can request for single-bed or double-bed rooms. The center only accept group booking through conference organizer, so please make sure the information on the registration form is accurate. If you want to share room, please indicate so on the form.

  • Building #1 is newly renovated (better condition), with a room rate of 470 RMB/night (breakfast included)
  • Building #3 (大智居) is older, with a room rate of 380 RMB/night (breakfast included).