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国家重点研发计划 “高能环形正负电子对撞机关键技术研发和验证” 项目启动会议 MOST 2018 CEPC Project Kick-off Meeting

Main Building A415 (IHEP)

Main Building A415


    • Session 1
      Convener: Joao Guimaraes Costa
      • 1
        承担单位领导致欢迎辞 Welcome by IHEP Leader
        Speaker: Prof. Yifang WANG (IHEP)
      • 2
        项目首席科学家宣布项目专家组名单 Project leader announce the name list of project experts group
        Speaker: Joao Guimaraes Costa
      • 3
        科技部领导致辞 MOST Leader's Speech
    • Session 2
      Convener: Prof. Nu Xu (CCNU)
      • 4
        重点专项实施方案汇报 Project implementation plan
        Speaker: Joao Guimaraes Costa
      • 5
        课题1 “高能环形正负电子加速器关键技术验证”实施方案汇报 Task 1 implementation plan
        Speaker: Prof. Yunlong Chi (IHEP)
      • 10:15
        Group Photo and Coffee Break
      • 6
        课题2“硅径迹探测器关键技术验证”实施方案汇报 Task 2 implementation plan
        Speaker: Prof. Zhijun Liang (IHEP)
      • 7
        课题3“成像型强子量能器技术验证”实施方案汇报 Task 3 implementation plan
        Speaker: Dr Boxiang Yu (IHEP)
      • 8
        专家组提问、评议并形成专家意见 Discussion and comments
        Speaker: Prof. Nu Xu (CCNU)
    • 12:00
    • Session 3
      Convener: Joao Guimaraes Costa